Barrie Men's Hockey League - Mobile Teams
Roberts, Anthony On The Rox(W24)
Roberts, Austin Royals(W24)
Robertson, Jason Upper Deckers(W24)
Robertson, Justin Singles(W24)
Robertson, Michael Toe Dragons(W24)
Robertson, Reid BigCats(W24)
Robinson, Cameron Brewers(W24)
Rocha, Dylan Canada Wide(W24), On The Rox(W24)
Rollo, Scott Slot Rockets(W24)
Rombough, Blair Lumberjax(W24)
Rommelaere, Tyler Canada Wide(W24)
Rook, Chris Skate Zone(W24)
Rose, Steve Healthy Scratches(W24)
Ross, Ian Kenzingtons(W24)
Royce, Mitchel Brewers(W24)
Rozhkov, Pavel North Stars(W24)
Rudkins, Ben Mattress Guys(W24), Gazzola(W24), CGM Lions(W24), Slot Rockets(W24)
Rupke, Jeremy Toe Dragons(W24)
Russell, Joel Outlaws(W24)
Russell, Shawn Goal Diggers(W24)
Ruth, Jeremy Dickens(W24)